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Sound Physical Therapy is offering Telehealth visits for new and current Physical Therapy patients when attendance in the clinic is not appropriate. 

In a Telehealth treatment, you and your PT are linked visually and verbally using a HIPAA complaint platform. During a session we can assess your symptoms and discuss your progress or difficulties. We will also review your current exercises for proper technique and movement pattern and progress your home exercises as appropriate. Seeing you in your exercise environment, we often offer tips on maximizing your efforts. This can be the best situation for customizing your rehabilitation.

Call to Schedule Today -  206 301-0600

What to Expect:         Your PT telehealth visit will be at a scheduled time, just like your ‘in clinic’ visits.  Days prior to your session, you will be sent a link to the HIPAA compliant telehealth platform At the time of your appointment you can use the link to ‘sign in’ to your PT’s Waiting Room.  We recommend checking in 10 minutes before your scheduled time to assure that your device is connecting. At your appointment time, your PT will connect via video and audio to begin your treatment session.

How to prepare:

Which device?            Telehealth is designed for use with both the patient and the PT using devices that have a camera and microphone.  Our platform is browser based, and operates on Safari, Mozilla and Chrome so no download or sign in is required. You can use a smart phone or any device which has a camera and microphone.  Consider your space and what your PT likely needs to view as you decide which device to use - a smart phone is more portable but the pictures are of course smaller

Where to be?             As the patient you can choose where you would like to receive your PT telehealth visit.  We recommend that you chose a place that is large enough for your to do your PT exercises and movement, is quiet so that you and your PT are not distracted, and that  is safe (free from the more common at home trip hazards such as pets, smaller children, and other small items on the floor).

What else?                 Be dressed as you would to exercise, with supportive shoes and either shorts or a sleeveless shirt so that you and your PT can see the body part being treated. Have your device positioned so that your PT can view you doing your exercise program and/ or using your home exercise equipment.